Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Talent is God-given; be humble..Fame is man-given; be grateful...Conceit is self-given; be careful.

That's one of the many timeless things John Wooden said years ago. It's always good to revisit (and heed) his wisdom, and now his legacy is newly celebrated in a series of shirts benefiting the "Nell & John R Wooden Scholarship Fund." After buying the one above at the UCLA bookstore, I emailed the guys at Original Retro Brand just to say "great idea." Turns out they're fans of KLOS, I'm a retroholic, so they ended up interviewing yours truly for a future blog feature. Stay tuned..

You can find the John Wooden collection here at ORB's site or here (with his books) at UCLA's site. They'll even sell to SC fans.

The Greatest FAX Ever.

The Greatest FAX Ever.