Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin Be Ailin'

Hope the above clears things up. Look, she's clearly qualified to be a student council president (oh yah!), hockey mom (you betcha she is, buster!) and a Lenscrafters spokesperson (darn tootin'!). But a governor? Of a state where moose are the majority? Much less assume the SECOND MOST POWERFUL OFFICE ON THE PLANET? Even George Will, who despises all entities non-republican, deemed Sarah UNqualified. We rest our air-tight case. (Editor's note: Due to the lameness of this template, not all of the flow chart made it. The whole chart is here.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Greetings from Ohio. As a dedicated Obama campaign volunteer worker there is one thing missing, a musical playlist. Give me your best play list to support our canvassing and GOTV (get out the vote)efforts her in Dayton Ohio for Senator Obama. The city of Dayton and its surrrounding burbs need you help! My first song would be Brand New Day by Sting. Give me your best inspirational to keep us persuading voters and recruiting volunteers.


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The Greatest FAX Ever.