Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When Fleet Foxes released their self-titled album/cd/record/whateverthey'recallingitnow in 2008, it was--and still is--one of the finest collections of songs & vocals I've heard in the past 20 or 30 years. The influences and craftsmanship that went into it were rich and without peer. Now the band has completed "Helplessness Blues," which you can hear via NPR here. There's so much disposable, irrelevant stuff passing for music these days. It's nice to know that just the opposite exists with Fleet Foxes.

Passing thought: That mean ol' Obama ruined the Comb-Over's one-trick-act by producing the birth certificate, now forcing him to focus on such less important things like $4-a-gallon gas and the sputtering economy. Or maybe just picking a new celebrity to slam. Way to look presidential, DT.

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The Greatest FAX Ever.

The Greatest FAX Ever.