Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We All Need Someone We Can Bleed On....

..and if ya wanna? You can bleed on....uh....well, for the American Red Cross this week. It's the 28th annual 95.5 KLOS Blood Drive at 19 locations throughout SoCal. Big change from the very first one in 1981--ONE location ONE day only! You can make an appointment (1-800-GIVE-LIFE) or show up at the spot nearest you. Or one furthest from you, we really don't care so long as you donate a pint--OF BLOOD (but do hang on to that glass of Stella for later). has all the locations and times and who's gonna be where. Remember, no need to show up already bleeding or with the blood already out in a jelly jar--the Red Cross will professionally download it all. I'll be at the Long Beach Red Cross locale (3150 E. 29th St., just off the Redondo Ave. exit from the 405...and just west of the fwy) Wednesday afternoon, the 29th, as soon as I can drive from KLOS after 4pm! Hope to see you and your O+ (or whatever) there---and thank you.

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