Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Friday, August 21, 2009

Why thank you for those lovely sentiments!

Hallefreakinlujah, I'm back. Weeknights 7-10p on 95-5 KLOS and BEEEG thank yous to Bob Moore, Bob Buchmann and ALL youse guys who've emailed, texted, faxed, called, heckled and otherwise telepathically sent your wishes for my return to the new powers that be. I can't thank you all enough in this lifetime or the next one. Now, hop off yer arse and go request something already! 1-800-955-KLOS


Angie Cole said...

Hello Mr. Gary Moore. Do you remember me. Angie cole. Orange county fair, many years ago. You

Don D. said...

Gary it is great to have you back! When do we get to see a picture of your mouth?

Queen of McMurdo said...

Hi Gary! So glad you're back on the air at KLOS! Tried to request a tune on my way to the airport, headed for New Zealand/Antarctica, back in mid August. You were very busy giving stuff away and I got lost in the shuffle of "Hi we already have a winner thanks!" *click* (dial tone). But, hey, I was listening, and enjoying the show as usual! Take care! Keep on rockin' us! Write if you have time. Angela (aka - Trapped Under The Ice)

Gary Moore said...

Hey Ange! How are ya?

The Greatest FAX Ever.

The Greatest FAX Ever.